Tired of looking at the same old furniture in your house? These days, it’s pretty easy to go out and buy a new replacement, but then you’ll just end up with the same furniture as everyone else. For a truly unique piece that reflects your taste and personality, you should definitely consider a D.I.Y. project of your own or having upgrade work done by a professional. There are many methods to refresh a piece of furniture or material, and here are just some of the ways you can do so.
Adding a Crown Moulding
Crown molding designs are a pretty popular choice when it comes to cabinetry. Not only does it add an elegance at the top, it also helps to seal any available space at the top. Now you won’t have to worry about dusting way up there. The cove crown moulding is pretty easy to install and doesn’t break the bank.
Choosing to Reupholster
When you have a splendid set of chair frames at home, choosing to reupholster could save you more in the long run. Not only will you be able to pick a fabric of your choice (you can even switch between leather and fabrics), you’ll also get to decide how much stuffing will go into your cushions.
Making Use of Everything
If you take a careful look, you’ll realise that most of the things shown in this space seem to be “custom-made”. Rattan baskets were repurposed as lights and a metal cover is used as the top part of a set of wall drawers. You can even gather different coloured cloth scraps to make this funky carpet.
Re-using Antique Pieces
The wooden antique furniture can beautifully repurposed. It’s really such a shame to discard old pieces made of good hardwood. Sometimes all you need is a good sanding down and a reapplication of stain to last well into the future. For kitchen island, a metal counter with folding panels can add a modern twist.
Giving Your Furniture a New Coat of Paint
The vintage medicine cabinet looks absolutely beautiful after repainted mint green with white accents. Scuff marks and other dirty residue can easily be covered with a new coat of paint. If you want your handywork to last longer, do remember to apply a protective finishing. This will also ensure that the paint colour doesn’t fade with time.
Adding Something New to Something Old
This set of drawers look tired and worn-out all on their own, but once you add a marble or granite counter on top, it exudes a unique vintage feel. If you don’t want to use them in a more public area, transforming them into bathroom vanities is also a good idea. Just add on a wall mirror with a brass frame and you’re all good to go.
Giving Life to Metal Furniture
Your porch or patio is usually home to metal furnitures and fixtures. Over time and exposure to the elements, it’s pretty normal to end up with a little rust. Instead of throwing it away, you can give it an entirely new look with a new coat of paint suited for the outdoors. You can even get obtain suitable cushions to add on for a cosy and comfortable feel.
There’s Always More Than One Way
This steamer trunk looks absolutely stunning with the addition of a reflective mirror-like surface. Not only does this give the room a more modern atmosphere, it also helps to provide an illusion of more space. If you’re confident in your D.I.Y. skills, this is one method you can definitely try out.
These ideas to upgrade or repurpose your furniture is just the tip of the iceberg. If you’re ever attracted to an expensive piece of furniture, ask yourself first if there’s any way for you to recreate that for your own home.